2024 Flute Fancies, St Rumbald's, Stoke Doyle Photos


We were delighted to be invited to put on a concert at St Rumbald's Church, Stoke Doyle. This beautiful and historic church has a dreamy acoustic and we very much enjoyed our first event here.

Concert poster
Concert poster
Sue looking most serene pre concert
Sue looking most serene pre concert
Lovely feedback from the concert
Lovely feedback from the concert
Action shot
Action shot
Another lovely piece of feedback
Another lovely piece of feedback
Praying on piccolo
Praying on piccolo
Our inimitable Imogen - sorry can't seem to rotate you!
Our inimitable Imogen - sorry can't seem to rotate you!
Happy and tired ensemble at the end of the performance
Happy and tired ensemble at the end of the performance

We were delighted to be joined again by Gemma Doherty who both sang and performed on percussion
Just the flutes
Just the flutes
Concert programme (outside)
Concert programme (outside)
Concert programme (inside)
Concert programme (inside)